Seeing Beyond the Nets

This is Cathy Ticen's second guest blog from Luke...

Even when the crowds were pushing in on Him....even when the needs were overwhelming, Jesus continued to be aware of other things around Him.  He noticed 2 boats tied up. He noticed the fishermen’s discouragement. He gazed deep into their souls....beyond the mundane tasks they were doing (scrubbing nets) and saw their need. He pushed aside the tyranny of the urgent and climbed in the boat with them.  

His heart saw beyond  the situation they were in and beyond the current needs of the crowds.  He saw the bigger picture....their greater need...and with a boat turned into a pulpit, He reached into all of their souls as only He could.

So often I get distracted by the crowds and stressful situations.  While they may be important, there are times He wants to direct my gaze elsewhere.  I miss His still small voice calling me to see beyond what is right in front of me to the deeper needs that linger in the hearts of others.  

What does Jesus see in the souls of others that He may want me to help with? How does He want me to see people differently?

One of the times I struggle the most is when people are angry. I tend to pull away and avoid those encounters but sometimes the angry people have the greatest heart needs.  I saw this in action recently.

I encountered a woman who was incredibly angry. She pushed people away with her harsh words and hurtful comments.  God’s nudge was strong to draw near and, as only He can do, He orchestrated a moment where I could see with His eyes, feel with His heart, and hear with His ears.   He provided strength to endure the anger which He knew was difficult for my heart to bear and He melted through her walls until the core of her need appeared - “Why doesn’t anyone want me in their lives?” 

The anger, as so often happens, had become a shield to prevent further hurt. The difficulty was that it pushed others away and kept her isolated from the very contact with relationships she needed the most.  Her pain was incredibly deep underneath the difficult shell that pushed others away.

How many others do we encounter in the course of our lives that have similar shields?   Not all may let others in but may we be like Jesus and look beyond the crowded needs in front of us to the empty fishing boats with discouraged people scrubbing nets and cast nets of encouragement to them.  Let us love like Jesus loves even when it is difficult!


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