A Strange Last Word

"Dear children, keep yourselves from idols" (1 John 5:21).

That's the last thing John says in this letter. Communication experts tell us that you should always place your most important idea at the end because that's what people will remember most. John may or may not have known this, but still...this is the last thing he says to the congregations reading this letter. Idols. Keep yourselves from idols. That's a strange last word. Why would that be of such paramount importance?

Ephesus (Turkey), 2014
If you've ever walked down the streets of a first century city (and if you haven't, you should), you'd know the importance of John's last word here. Idols, statues, altars dedicated to the emperor were everywhere, lining the streets, taking up prominent places in the city, along the main road. While ancient peoples might have struggled with nature gods, the first century Roman people were challenged (even forced) to worship another living being who claimed to be divine. John is warning his people to not take their eyes off of the Christ who lived and died and rose again for them. Don't worship an ordinary man (or a small statue) when you have been given hope and salvation through the living, resurrected Jesus Christ.

Well, I'm sure glad we don't have to worry about idols today. Right? Um, well...

Money and the pursuit of wealth...

Having the biggest house, best vacation, nicest car...



Being the smartest, brightest, the top of your game...

Entertainment and the pursuit of pleasure...

Making sure our kids are in everything and excel at things we want them to...

Materialism and the altar of stuff...

No idols here, right?

Maybe John's word is still for us today after all. And maybe, when all is said and done, it's still one of the most important things we need to hear.

Dear friends, keep yourselves from idols.


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