Game Delay

Read Mark 13:1-23.
photo by John Henderson
Sometimes the weather just won't cooperate. Sometimes it gets in the way of an athletic event or a concert or anything happening outdoors. You can't really see it, but in the photo at the top of this blog, Cathy and I are sitting in the pouring down rain while waiting on a concert to begin. We were one of the few (obviously) who waited out the storm (most folks sought shelter elsewhere). In my case, it was because we had sat down before the rain, and if I got up, the seat would end up wet. So we waited it out. Game delay, concert delay...whatever the delay, when weather is involved, there's not a whole lot that we can do about it.

The same is not true of the delay the church currently experiences...the delay in Jesus' return. True, Jesus says he does not know when it will happen. And in this passage, he is frustratingly vague about any sort of signs, pointers, definite clues that the end is near. But he gives the church one clear thing that we're to be about to avoid "game delay." "And the gospel must first be preached to all nations" (13:9).  If there is a game delay, it's because the church has failed to do what Jesus told us to do. We've not yet, in 2,000 years, been able to preach the Gospel to every nation, people group and language on earth. We're the "weather" causing the game delay.

Jesus didn't tell us to predict the end. He didn't call us to decipher the so-called signs. He didn't want us making timelines and predictions and issuing warnings. He called us to share the Gospel, plain and simple. To every nation. To every person. Until all have heard. And while you may not be able to go to the ends of the earth to preach to an unreached people group, you can share what Jesus has done for you with your neighbor, your co-worker, your friend, the person you know who is having a hard time dealing with life.

Let's stop raining on the field. Let's instead be ones who help move us forward toward the goal. Preach the Gospel. Share the good news. Tell someone what Jesus has done in your life. And let's watch God move in a mighty way as we are obedient.


  1. Yeah, that would be great...especially if we all did it with love and true care for the person in lifting them up to Jesus.


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