This Generation

Read Mark 13:24-37.

"Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened" (13:30).
Every generation longs to be the one in which Christ returns. Many, many generations have believed themselves to be the "final generation." Based on Jesus' statement (above), it's no wonder that the early Christians, the first group after Jesus' resurrection, honestly and genuinely believed he would be back for them before they died. That's why Paul has to reassure them when some of their friends start dying (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Many of the great cathedrals in the world were not built until after 1000 AD because there was an expectation Jesus would return in that year (based on the "millennium" of Revelation 20). And those of us who lived through 2000 AD—well, let's just say history repeats itself (and that preachers can make a lot of money off predicting the end).

So what did Jesus mean by using the word "generation"? Apparently, either he didn't mean that current human generation or he was sincerely wrong. The word is an odd one, and its origins aren't quite clear, but it is grammatically linked to the Greek word for "nation" or "country" or "kindred." In other words, Jesus isn't so much talking about a generation like we usually think of it (all the people presently living, or a period of time like the "Boomer generation"). Rather, he is talking about "generation" in much larger terms: the human race or, possibly, the people of Israel. In other words, Jesus' promise here is that no matter how bad things get (wars, conflicts, famines, earthquakes), we're not going to destroy ourselves before he comes. In a world like ours, that's good news!

Scientists and political historians can make all the predictions they want, but the world is ultimately in God's hands, not theirs or ours. Jesus will come for us. He will return—at a time none of us know. And until then, we're called to be at peace and trust that he is in control. He truly does have the whole world in his hands, and this world, this "generation" of humanity will not do itself in before he comes.

Have hope. Have courage. Take heart. We will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Jesus is coming. All is well.


A brief blogging note: Starting next week, I will be blogging from Israel and sharing insights and thoughts during our Holy Land pilgrimage. I have not forgotten Mark, however. I plan to finish this series of blogs beginning June 26. We'll pick up then where we left off today.


  1. Such a great promise that we're not going to kill ourselves off before He comes back.


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