The Blame Game

Read John 18:28-40.

They never really do answer the question. Pilate wants to know that the charge is against Jesus—why are they bothering him with this ridiculous matter? Pilate, like most Roman officials, would have tried to get the business of the day out of the way early so that he could attend to his normal agenda: a day of organized leisure. This unexpected rabble was more than annoying to him; they were unwanted. Pilate wants to dispense with the case as soon as he can, so if they will tell him the charge, he can get on with making a decision. But they never really answer him. They just label Jesus a "criminal," and say, basically, "Isn't it obvious why we brought him here?" That leaves Pilate to have to do his own investigation, and that takes time he doesn't want to spend.

Everyone in this story is playing a version of the blame game. The Jewish leaders want Pilate to take the blame for what happens to Jesus. Pilate wants them to take the blame. Pilate then wants the crowd to take the blame by making a choice: Jesus or Barabbas. The only one not playing that game is Jesus. The only one telling the truth is Jesus because he is the Truth (John 14:6).

The irony of this scene is that everyone in this story is living out "their own truth." The Jewish leaders' truth: Jesus is a threat and must be eliminated. Pilate's truth: Jesus is a nuisance and so are these religious nuts. And right in front of all of them stand the one who is the Truth, the one who embodies truth. While they are blaming each other and anyone else they can find, Jesus the Truth willingly gives himself to them, to do their worst, and while they are blaming each other he will be redeeming humanity.

Do you ever play the blame game? Do you seek or expect others to take responsibility for the mistakes you have made, or the things you don't want to do? Standing before you is one who will make that game irrelevant. He is the Truth. He came to save you from all of that sin and blame and guilt and shame. He is the only one who speaks truth when no one else will. Allow him to be Truth in your life.


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